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Discounted sale will end in 2016, as the final.

2016년을 마지막으로 할인 판매를 중단합니다.

Discounted sale will end in 2016, as the final.


Hello everyone.

오늘은 그간의 고충과 어려움을 솔직히 얘기하려 합니다. 돌쉬 크라프트는 2003년부터 저 혼자 원형을 만들고 이끌어온 브랜드입니다. 14년의 열정과 노력으로 지금까지 왔습니다. 수없이 지세운 밤을 기쁘게 받아들였습니다. 하지만 24살 청년은 이제 불혹을 앞둔 나이가 되었고 과도한 작업을 버티기에 몸과 마음이 지쳤습니다. 24살에 첫 인형을 만들 때와 지금은 너무 많은 것이 변했습니다.

Today I am going to tell you about difficulty and problem honestly. Dolls Craft is a brand, which I make original form of and which I lead by myself. I can come here with the 14 years of effort and passion. I accepted gladly my situation that I had to work all night long. However, 24 years old man faces almost 40 years old, my body and mind become exhausted to stand excessive work. Everything has been changed a lot from when I made the first doll at 24 years old.

작업실 규모를 유지하기 위해 세일을 할 수 밖에 없는 상황이 반복적으로 일어났습니다. 밀린 배송이 마무리되는 내년 2월 이후 작업실 규모를 축소합니다. 초소한의 인원만 남아 가벼운 마음으로 인형을 만들고 싶습니다. 2016년을 마지막으로 할인 판매를 중단합니다. 마지막 할인 판매 이후에 어떠한 할인 프로모션도 하지 않습니다.

Situations that I had have to discount dolls happened repeatedly to keep the size of workplace. The size of workplace will be reduced after next February when delayed delivery is finished. I want to make dolls with the minimum people and light heart. Discounted sale will end in 2016, as the final. After final discounted sale, there is not any discount promotion more.

돌쉬 크라프트와 저를 지지해주셨던 모든 분들에게 반복되는 배송지연으로 불편을 드려 깊이 사과드립니다. 앞으로 작은 규모지만 좋은 인형을 만들어 제때 보내드리도록 최선을 다하겠습니다.

I want to apologize repeated inconvenience for delayed delivery to everyone who supports Dollshe Craft and me. Although we are small size, we will do our best to make and exhibit good dolls.

모든 것에 감사드립니다.

Thank you for everything.

돌쉬 크라프트 대표/원형사 돌쉬 기용 올림.

Sincerely yours,
DollShe Craft CEO/Master Sculptor


  • Dear DollShe-Ki-Yong, so sorry you have had to endure such difficulties producing such amazing dolls. I am a faithful collector of your wonderful amazing dolls and I will continue to collect them, so please make things easier for your self and keep producing your wonderful dolls!! You are the best sculptor out there by far.
    Sincerely Subidoll

    • I earned a lot of money once as making dolls, which I started as a hobby first, became my business, but I was burdened on that I should create more sales. The size of money which I should repay became bigger as my workplace size came to larger and more employees were hired with booming business. I will release dolls as soon as they are produced. Deeply thank you for your support.

  • Mr. Ki Yong, you are an incredible artist, and I’m sorry to hear that you’ve felt so much stress throughout these years. I hope the new size of the company will bring you a peace of mind again. Remember that you have many fans around who absolutely adore your work. I am one of those fans, and I will continue to support your beautiful dolls!

    • It was not easy to reduce the size of workplace once it came to big. I’ve produced lots of dolls because it is not easy for me to fire my beloved employees. I think if it’s too much, I can’t love what I loved. I will make beautiful dolls in the future while having fun with them. Sincerely thank you for your backing.

  • Thank you so much for all the beautiful dolls that you have created, and all the hard work you have done to reach the pinnacle of your art. Your dedication to quality and aesthetics has always been one of the reasons why Dollshe dolls are so well-loved 🙂

    I hope that your new business plan works out well for you, and that you are more happy and less stressed!

    • Sometimes, the expectation from others makes me stay my workplace longer. If my workplace size is reduced, I think I could make dolls with less pressure on management than now. Maybe I will realize that everything is just a dream sometime but I want to look back myself and spend lots of time with my beloved people before that day comes. I think I can do various tries with a light heart in making dolls. Really appreciate your support.

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