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Archives for 2016

I want to listen to your opinions about digital remaking Old 18M Bermann and Saint to Classic line(70cm) and Fashion line(44cm) dolls

I want to listen to your opinions about digital remaking old 18M Bermann and Saint that was made 15 years ago to Classic line(70cm) and Fashion line(44cm) dolls. I’m planning to remake the prototype of these dolls with better Ball-joint. We will try not to harm their original image. We haven’t decided yet but I…

Delivery for Collaboration doll of DollShe Craft and DeMuse Doll, Amanda Beauty starts soon

Collaboration work of DollShe Craft and DeMuse Doll, Amanda Beauty has done. Designer of DeMuse doll, Nigel Chia showed us some pictures of the artwork. All doll’s items are sophisticated. We deeply appreciated to Nigel Chia’s passion and workmanship. When we get the dolls and clothes from Nigel Chia, we will start shipping. Thank you….

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