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The photo of comparison between Vampire Khan and 18M Mystic Body Grown Saint.

The photo of comparison between Vampire Khan and 18M Mystic Body Grown Saint.

This is the photo of comparison between Vampire Khan and 18M Mystic Body Grown Saint.

We make the size of head bigger considering that the size of head of Vampire Khan is too small. However, bigger head has small proportion compared to real human. The reason why we make it bigger again is because the it seems like that it fits more to the whole line up’s dolls visually.

In the ours perspective as a producer, Vampire which has bigger one looks better. It can be different depending on people’s perspectives, but we think that the expression of bigger one is better..

We decide to send small size of head to customers who prefer animal and voluptuous feeling.
However, we do not produce small version of EN and SA Head.

Vampire Khan’s body is 24M body.


  • the size of the head enters three times in the length of the torso, and one in the shoulder. It seems a good proportion!

    • Bigger head has better expression with its bigger size. However, the proportion of the head is still smaller than usual person. Thank you for your opinion.

  • OH! These new pictures actually make it look so much more proportionate. I actually love this new size of Khan’s head! I guess on previous pictures, it was just taken from wrong angles, that made the head look bigger than it actually was. I really really like it 🙂 Great job!!!

    • I also realized that there is a problem with previous photos. The head looks bigger because it has been taken a picture from top to bottom with a wide-angle lens. However, this picture has been taken with a very realistic proportion.
      Thank you for your positive opinion.

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