Mystic Body (18M CLASSIC MAXI – 70cm) (Special Package – Stock Order)
Please check stock availability before ordering.
18M CLASSIC Mystic Body Special package configuration
Mystic Body + Gesture hand type 1 + Gesture hand type 2 + Flip flop foot part + Clothing exchange hand parts
Regular price USD 720$
Discount price USD 270$
Reasons for selling in-stock BJDs and out-of-stock BJDs
If you cannot sell in-stock BJDs or out-of-stock BJDs, you will not be able to casting or deliver previously ordered BJDs whose delivery has been delayed. It’s been a year and a half since profits were negative. There is no way to solve the shipping delay problem if there is no more revenue.
If I do not sell in-stock BJDs and out-of-stock BJDs, there is no promise for the normalization of DollShe Craft.
I know that selling stock BJDs and selling BJDs out of stock is not the right thing to do. If the non-revenue situation continues any longer, there is no way to resolve the delivery delay problem.
I sincerely apologize to those who have waited for a long time after ordering the BJD.
Please understand that selling stock BJDs and selling BJDs out of stock is an inevitable choice.
Even if I face criticism, I will take every measure to help DollShe Craft return to normal.
The funds I need are $50,000 to be filled through refund requests and PayPal minuses.
If you deposit $50,000 in cash at PayPal Korea headquarters, you can use DollShe Craft PayPal normally again.
I don’t know how long I’ll be making BJDs, but I don’t want to disappear from the BJD field like this. I have been experiencing repeated declines in my health over the past year and a half. Making a BJD is hard work and not good for your health. After solving the delivery delay problem, I need to think about whether or not to continue making BJD.
Not all of the decisions I made were good, and you can criticize me, but I hope you can understand the difficulties I am facing and that I am doing my best to solve the problem of delivery delays due to financial difficulties.
The operation of DollShe Craft Casting Center will be temporarily suspended.
Recently, the last remaining employee of DollShe Craft left the company, so he has to do everything on his own. Aside from making prototypes and casting samples for BJD operational testing, the DollShe Craft Casting Center is unstaffed, so we are unable to do large-scale casting for the time being.
The two vacuum molding machines and workroom equipment are all the same. At any time, when DollShe Craft’s operations are normalized, one or two employees can be reinstated and many copies can be made.
Sale of stock BJDs and use of proceeds from the sale of out-of-stock BJDs
The money raised from selling in-stock BJDs and out-of-stock BJDs can also be used to ship delayed BJDs.
One new order will fund 2 casting BJDs. For new orders, casting is requested from another casting shop. If I have a small number of orders for BJDs that are out of stock, I plan on casting them myself.
The heads created by Mori9 and IZE are not casting.
I do not casting the heads made by Mori9 and the heads made by IZE, so please do not make any more requests for production. Those who request a refund will receive a refund as soon as funds are available. If you do not want a refund, please choose the head I made.
I have promised to pay $180 for head sales for each BJD sold, but I do not have the budget to pay head sales fees. Also, due to Mori9’s unilateral termination of collaboration, IZE and I suffered a huge loss, so I have no intention of casting Mori9’s head.
Please check stock availability before ordering.
Please email us to see if it is in stock and then place your order.
BJD orders that are out of stock can be delivered within 1-3 months by requesting a copy from another Casting Center.
Payment Inquiry
Bank transfer and PayPal deposit are available.
I will guide you through small business PayPal accounts, personal PayPal accounts, and bank transfers.
After submitting your order form to the Dollshy Craft shopping mall, please contact us via email for bank transfer or PayPal deposit.
Deposits and withdrawals of the Dollsh Craft PayPal account are temporarily suspended and are not linked to shopping mall orders.
Payment will be made in LAYAWAY.
Please check the link below for detailed instructions.
For example, let’s say your total order amount on July 1st is $1000.
If you want to split it into 3 installments,
July 1 – 1st payment USD 330
August 1 – 2nd payment of USD 330
September 1 – 3rd payment USD 340
If you want to split it into 4 times,
July 1 – 1st payment USD 250
August 1 – 2nd payment USD 250
September 1 – 3rd payment USD 250
October 1 – 4th payment USD 250
* Request for casting after depositing the first payment. Once casting begins, split payment orders cannot be cancelled. Please order carefully.
현재 보유 중인 BJD와 품절된 BJD의 판매 이유에 대해 이야기하겠습니다.
만약 저희가 보유 중인 BJD와 품절된 BJD를 판매하지 못한다면, 지연된 배송으로 인해 주문이 지연된 BJD를 주문한 고객들에게 BJD를 배송할 수 없게 됩니다. 수익이 부족한 상태가 1년 반째 이어지고 있습니다. 더 이상 수익이 발생하지 않으면 배송 지연 문제를 해결할 방법이 없습니다.
저희가 보유 중인 BJD와 품절된 BJD를 판매하지 않으면, DollShe Craft의 정상화를 약속할 수 없습니다.
저는 재고 BJD와 품절된 BJD를 판매하는 것이 옳은 일이 아니라는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다. 수익 적자인 상태가 더 이상 지속되면 배송 지연 문제를 해결할 방법이 없을 것입니다.
오랫동안 BJD 주문을 기다려 주신 분들께 진심으로 사과드립니다. 재고 BJD와 품절된 BJD를 판매하는 것은 피할 수 없는 선택이라는 점을 이해해 주십시오.
비판에 직면하더라도, DollShe Craft가 정상화되도록 돕기 위해 모든 조치를 취하겠습니다.
필요한 자금은 환불 요청과 PayPal 마이너스로 총 50,000달러입니다.
50,000달러를 PayPal 한국 본사에 현금으로 입금하면 DollShe Craft의 PayPal을 다시 정상적으로 사용할 수 있습니다.
제가 BJD를 얼마나 더 만들지는 모르겠지만, 이렇게 사라지고 싶지는 않습니다. 지난 1년 반 동안 건강이 계속해서 악화되고 있습니다. BJD를 만드는 것은 어려운 일이고 건강에 좋지 않습니다. 배송 지연 문제를 해결한 후에는 BJD 제작을 계속할지 여부를 고려해야 할 것입니다.
제가 내린 모든 결정이 비판은 받을 수 있지만, 제가 마주한 어려움과 배송 지연 문제를 해결하기 위해 최선을 다하고 있다는 점을 이해해 주시기를 바랍니다.
DollShe Craft Casting Center의 운영이 일시 중단됩니다.
최근에는 DollShe Craft의 마지막 직원이 회사를 떠나서 그가 모든 일을 혼자서 해야 합니다. DollShe Craft Casting Center는 프로토 타입 제작 및 BJD 운영 테스트용 샘플 주조 외에는 직원이 없어 대규모 복제를 할 수 없습니다.
두 개의 진공 주형 기계와 작업실 장비는 모두 보유하고 있습니다. DollShe Craft의 운영이 정상화되면 한 두 명의 직원을 복직시키고 많은 복제를 할 수 있습니다.
재고 BJD와 품절된 BJD의 판매 및 수익금 사용
재고 BJD와 품절된 BJD의 판매로 모은 자금은 지연된 BJD의 배송에도 사용할 수 있습니다.
새로운 주문 한 건에 대해 2개의 BJD 복제 자금으로 사용할 수 있습니다. 새 주문에 대해서는 다른 복제소에서 복제를 요청합니다. 품절된 BJD에 대한 소량 주문이 있으면 저희가 복제를 직접 할 계획입니다.
Mori9와 IZE가 만든 헤드는 복제하지 않습니다.
Mori9와 IZE가 만든 헤드는 저희가 복제하지 않으므로 추가 제작을 요청하지 마십시오. 환불을 요청하시는 분들은 자금이 확보되는 대로 환불 받으실 수 있습니다. 환불을 원하지 않는 경우에는 제가 만든 헤드를 선택해 주세요.
저는 BJD 한 체당 180달러의 헤드 판매 수수료를 지불할 것을 약속했지만, 헤드 판매 수수료를 지급할 예산이 없습니다. 또한 Mori9의 일방적인 협력 해지로 인해 IZE와 저는 큰 손실을 입었으므로 Mori9의 머리는 주조할 의향이 없습니다.
주문하기 전에 재고 확인을 부탁드립니다.
주문하기 전에 재고 여부를 확인하시려면 이메일로 문의해 주세요.
결제 문의
은행 송금과 PayPal 입금이 가능합니다. 소규모 비즈니스 PayPal 계정, 개인 PayPal 계정 및 은행 송금에 대한 안내를 해 드리겠습니다.
DollShe Craft 쇼핑몰에 주문 양식을 제출한 후에는 은행 송금 또는 PayPal 입금을 위해 이메일로 연락해 주세요.
DollShe Craft PayPal 계정의 입금과 인출이 일시 중단되어 쇼핑몰 주문과 연동되지 않습니다.
분할 납부 가능합니다.
자세한 지침은 아래 링크를 확인해 주세요.
분할 납부 계획
예를 들어, 7월 1일에 총 주문 금액이 1000달러라고 가정합니다.
3회 분할하려면,
7월 1일 – 1차 납부 330달러
8월 1일 – 2차 납부 330달러
9월 1일 – 3차 납부 340달러
4회 분할하려면,
7월 1일 – 1차 납부 250달러
8월 1일 – 2차 납부 250달러
9월 1일 – 3차 납부 250달러
10월 1일 – 4차 납부 250달러
* 첫 번째 납부를 입금한 후 복제를 요청합니다. 복제가 시작되면 분할 납부 주문을 취소할 수 없습니다. 신중하게 주문해 주세요.
如果不出售库存BJD和缺货BJD,就无法承诺DollShe Craft的正常化。
即使面对批评,我也将采取一切措施帮助DollShe Craft恢复正常。
如果您在PayPal韩国总部现金存款5万美元,您就可以正常使用DollShe Craft的PayPal账户。
DollShe Craft Casting Center的运营将暂时中止。
最近,DollShe Craft的最后一名员工离开了公司,因此他必须独自完成所有工作。除了制作BJD操作测试的原型和铸造样品之外,DollShe Craft Casting Center没有员工,因此我们目前无法进行大规模的铸造。
两台真空成型机和工作室设备都是一样的。任何时候,当DollShe Craft的运营恢复正常时,可以重新雇佣一两名员工并制作许多复制品。
在向DollShe Craft购物商城提交订单表格后,请通过电子邮件与我们联系以进行银行转账或PayPal存款。
DollShe Craft PayPal账户的存款和取款暂时中止,不与商城订单关联。
7月1日 – 第1笔支付330美元
8月1日 – 第2笔支付330美元
9月1日 – 第3笔支付340美元
7月1日 – 第1笔支付250美元
8月1日 – 第2笔支付250美元
9月1日 – 第3笔支付250美元
10月1日 – 第4笔支付250美元
Причины продажи BJD в наличии и BJD, отсутствующих на складе
Если вы не можете продать BJD в наличии или BJD, отсутствующие на складе, вы не сможете производить или доставлять ранее заказанные BJD, доставка которых задерживается. Убытки наблюдаются уже полтора года, и если не будет дополнительного дохода, проблему задержки в доставке не удастся решить.
Если я не продам BJD в наличии и BJD, отсутствующие на складе, нельзя обещать нормализацию работы DollShe Craft.
Я знаю, что продажа BJD в наличии и BJD, отсутствующих на складе, не является правильным решением. Если ситуация с отсутствием дохода будет продолжаться, проблему задержки в доставке не удастся решить.
Я искренне извиняюсь перед теми, кто долго ждал свои BJD после заказа. Пожалуйста, поймите, что продажа BJD в наличии и BJD, отсутствующих на складе, является неизбежным выбором.
Даже если я столкнусь с критикой, я предприму все меры, чтобы помочь DollShe Craft вернуться к нормальному режиму работы.
Мне нужно $50 000 для покрытия заявок на возврат средств и отрицательных средств PayPal.
Если вы внесете наличные $50 000 в головной офис PayPal в Корее, вы сможете снова нормально использовать PayPal DollShe Craft.
Я не знаю, сколько еще буду делать BJD, но я не хочу исчезнуть из этой области, как сейчас. За последние полтора года я постоянно испытываю ухудшение здоровья. Создание BJD – это тяжелая работа и вредно для здоровья. После решения проблемы с задержкой в доставке мне нужно подумать, стоит ли продолжать создавать BJD.
Не все мои решения были хорошими, и вы можете критиковать меня, но я надеюсь, что вы поймете трудности, с которыми я сталкиваюсь, и что я делаю все возможное, чтобы решить проблему задержек в доставке из-за финансовых трудностей.
Временно приостанавливается работа Центра литья DollShe Craft.
Недавно последний оставшийся сотрудник DollShe Craft покинул компанию, поэтому ему приходится делать все самому. Помимо создания прототипов и литья образцов для тестирования BJD, Центр литья DollShe Craft не имеет персонала, поэтому мы не можем в настоящее время проводить масштабное литье.
Два вакуумных формовочных станка и оборудование для рабочего помещения остались без изменений. В любое время, когда работа DollShe Craft нормализуется, один или два сотрудника могут быть восстановлены, и можно будет создать множество копий.
Продажа BJD в наличии и использование средств от продажи BJD, отсутствующих на складе
Средства, полученные от продажи BJD в наличии и BJD, отсутствующих на складе, также можно использовать для отправки отложенных BJD.
Одна новая заявка позволит создать 2 литых BJD. Для новых заказов литье запрашивается у другой литейной мастерской. Если у меня есть небольшое количество заказов на BJD, отсутствующих на складе, я планирую лить их самостоятельно.
Головы, созданные Mori9 и IZE, не подлежат литью.
Я не лью головы, сделанные Mori9 и IZE, поэтому пожалуйста, не делайте больше запросов на производство. Те, кто запросит возврат средств, получат возврат средств, как только средства будут доступны. Если вы не хотите возврата средств, выберите голову, сделанную мной.
Я обещал выплатить $180 за продажу головы за каждый проданный BJD, но у меня нет бюджета на оплату сборов за продажу голов. Кроме того, из-за одностороннего прекращения сотрудничества Mori9, IZE и я понесли огромные потери, поэтому я не имею намерения лить головы Mori9.
Пожалуйста, проверьте наличие товара перед оформлением заказа.
Пожалуйста, напишите нам по электронной почте, чтобы узнать, есть ли товар в наличии, а затем оформите заказ.
BJD, заказанные и отсутствующие на складе, могут быть доставлены в течение 1-3 месяцев путем запроса копии у другого Центра литья.
Запросы на оплату
Доступны банковский перевод и депозит PayPal.
Я помогу вам с созданием малого бизнес-аккаунта PayPal, личного аккаунта PayPal и банковских переводов.
После отправки вашей заявки на покупку в торговый центр Dollshe Craft, свяжитесь с нами по электронной почте для банковского перевода или депозита PayPal.
Депозиты и снятия средств с аккаунта PayPal DollShe Craft временно приостановлены и не связаны с заказами из торгового центра.
Оплата будет производиться в рассрочку.
Пожалуйста, ознакомьтесь с подробной инструкцией по ссылке ниже.
Например, предположим, что общая сумма вашего заказа на 1 июля составляет $1000.
Если вы хотите разделить на 3 части,
1 июля – 1-й платеж USD 330
1 августа – 2-й платеж USD 330
1 сентября – 3-й платеж USD 340
Если вы хотите разделить на 4 части,
1 июля – 1-й платеж USD 250
1 августа – 2-й платеж USD 250
1 сентября – 3-й платеж USD 250
1 октября – 4-й платеж USD 250
Запросите литье после внесения первого платежа. После начала литья заказы по рассрочке не могут быть отменены. Пожалуйста, будьте внимательны при заказе.
在庫のあるBJDや品切れのBJDを販売しなければ、DollShe Craftの正常化を約束することはできません。
批判に直面しても、DollShe Craftが正常化するためにあらゆる手段を講じます。
50,000ドルをPayPal韓国本社に現金で入金すれば、DollShe CraftのPayPalを再び正常にご利用いただけます。
DollShe Craft Casting Centerの運営は一時中断されます。
最近、DollShe Craftの最後の従業員が退社し、現在は私一人で全てを行う必要があります。DollShe Craft Casting Centerは、プロトタイプの製作やBJDの運営テスト用サンプルの鋳造以外にはスタッフがおらず、大規模な複製ができません。
2台の真空成形機と作業室の設備はすべて揃っています。DollShe Craftの運営が正常化されれば、1〜2名のスタッフを復職させ、多くの複製品を製作できるでしょう。
DollShe Craftのショッピングモールにご注文フォームを送信した後は、銀行振込またはPayPal入金のためにメールでご連絡ください。
DollShe CraftのPayPalアカウントの入出金は一時中断され、ショッピングモールの注文とは連動していません。
7月1日 – 1回目の支払い 330ドル
8月1日 – 2回目の支払い 330ドル
9月1日 – 3回目の支払い 340ドル
7月1日 – 1回目の支払い 250ドル
8月1日 – 2回目の支払い 250ドル
9月1日 – 3回目の支払い 250ドル
10月1日 – 4回目の支払い 250ドル
※ 1回目の支払いを入金した後に鋳造を依頼します。鋳造が開始されると分割払いの注文はキャンセルできませんので、ご注意ください。

New 18M Mystic Body, say movement
“Pose takes personality”. It is a word I always conceive before I start producing a new body. I set the age and body line and contrive to optimize it’s best fluent movement. The important thing is keeping the beauty of the body and harmony with it’s joints.
I put beautiful lines at dividing part in the body. I made harmonic lines throughout the whole body.
The movement of New 18M Mystic body is definitely the best among the dolls I have made so far.
I have seen many pictures of dolls. I realized most of the dolls are standing. It is standing while taking a picture. Therefore, it has to have a natural and beautiful promotion when the BJD is standing.
BJD is different with humans. Its flesh is not as soft and flexible as that of a human’s.
Like those reasons, it’s hard to make dolls pose like humans do. I conceived and set the joint mobility range with an optical illusion so that the doll makes a natural pose.
Then now you see the picture of all joint and it’s movement.
The movement of the Head

It can turn to any side from back and forth, and right to left so it can get a wide arrange of natural positions.
The movement of shoulders

Turning 360 degrees, I conceived for arms to swing back and forth. You can make slouch or straight position or straight.
The movement of Chest

It makes natural back and forth position. From making a slouching position to standing with one leg bent. The center of the body goes up and the shoulder goes down. It covers the limit of BJD with a wide range movement in the chest.
The movement of the hip

What should pursue either a standing or sitting position? Should we make it sitting with his legs together? How can we make the natural silhouette when it is wearing clothes while having a penis? The result is that it will be natural when it is standing. I am always pursuing a natural beauty when it is wearing clothes or it being naked. I am able to make this possible because of the detachable penis. I have also made it possible to have it sit with it’s legs together. I have to carve the thigh to allow the legs to come together. I made the joint between the hip and thigh look natural.
The movement of the knee joint

Either way you bend the knee it will look very natural. When wearing clothes the bending at any degree or angle looks very natural. When you bend the knees at step one and two; it can make a better and more natural pose. Always start by bending in to step one before bending directly to step two.
The movement of the Ankle Joint

The movement of the ankle is about 10 degrees. When the legs are spread the feet will be flat on the ground. It will look very natural when sitting. The range allows for it to bend forward or stand straight in the standing position.
The movement of the Elbow Joint

The elbow bends naturally just like our own. With the natural range in motion it also has a natural silhouette. The degree of bending is very natural when the doll is wearing clothes. When you bend the arms at step one and two; it can make a better and more natural pose. Always start by bending in to step one before bending directly to step two.
The movement of the Wrist Joint

It bends in a 360 degree motion. This allows the wrist movement to be very natural. The natural movement is very important when making a pose. The hand can express as much as the face. It can go to any parts on the body from touching its face or even its hips. This allows for very natural posing and look.
New 18M Mystic POSE + Body, say movement

“Pose takes personality”. It is a word I always conceive before I start producing a new body. I set the age and body line and contrive to optimize it’s best fluent movement. The important thing is keeping the beauty of the body and harmony with it’s joints.
I put beautiful lines at dividing part in the body. I made harmonic lines throughout the whole body.
The movement of New 18M Mystic body is definitely the best among the dolls I have made so far.
I have seen many pictures of dolls. I realized most of the dolls are standing. It is standing while taking a picture. Therefore, it has to have a natural and beautiful promotion when the BJD is standing.
BJD is different with humans. Its flesh is not as soft and flexible as that of a human’s.
Like those reasons, it’s hard to make dolls pose like humans do. I conceived and set the joint mobility range with an optical illusion so that the doll makes a natural pose.
Hands and feet parts are sample to compare the size and I will make it more Fineness and softer. I will show you other extra hands and feet parts one by one.
We provide ‘Pose body’ and ‘Pose+ Body’. ‘Pose body’ is the body that looks natural and ‘Pose+ Body’ is the body that has wider mobility.
You will satisfied with either body.
18M CLASSIC Mystic BODY Size & Measurement?
Height 70 cm
Head circumference 8.5 in – 9 in
Neck girth 12.5 cm
Chest 32.5 cm
Waist 26 cm
Hips 31 cm
Upper leg girth 16.5 cm
Lower leg girth 12.5 cm
Upper arm girth 9.5 cm
Lower arm girth 8.7 cm
Wrist girth 6.3 cm
Ankle girth 8 cm
Shoulder width 17 cm
Arm length 23 cm
Leg length 36.5 cm
Back length 18 cm
Hand length 7 cm
Foot length 10 cm
Foot width 3.8 cm
Pubic bone to tip of foot length 43 cm
Eyes 16 mm
Weight 2000 g
Process for producing a doll?
*The casting schedule is different depending on the type.
*The ‘processing’is right phase at the moment.
*Once your payment get checked, it is ‘processing’phase from producing step to complete step.
*When the delivery has started the status is changed to “shipping”, and we will let you know the tracking number.
Basic Info?
* The wig, outfit, and eyes in the photos are not included.
* Dolls are made on order, so orders cannot be canceled once payment has been made.
* There are parting lines, which form during casting, on the doll.
* Darker resin dolls can become discolored if you use sandpaper or other tools to smooth the surface. Refrain from any aesthe (sanding) work on a darker resin doll.
* The default package comes without makeup.
* Colors may look different depending on your monitor settings.
* Dolls yellow from natural light, so please avoid direct exposure to sunlight. Dolls may also turn yellow or green under intense artificial lighting as well, so please be careful. Coating your doll with a UV protector and keeping it fully dressed (including wig) can help preventing it from turning yellow or green.
* Orders will ship in around 50-60 business day upon receipt of payment.
* Orders placed during special event periods may take longer to ship.
Installments Info?
You may make up to 4 installments.
You may make your payment by dividing your total from your number of layaways.
The PayPal payment page that you are directed to only allows you to pay for the full amount. There are no buttons for layaways.
Please don’t pay through auto paypal page after you accept your order.
It will become pending payment or cancelled if you don’t pay for it.
Then, we can check our order list.
Then, please log in to PayPal website separately and make your first payment to
After making your payment, please write back to us as we will confirm the receipt of your order and payment.
Skin Info?
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