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Accepting customers who want to cancel an order for Old 18M CLASSIC and last orders for copiable dolls

Accepting customers who want to cancel an order for Old 18M CLASSIC and last orders for copiable dolls

Hello, everyone.

The shipments for Old classic 18M have been finished.
Producing the mold of silicon takes long time because of lots of orders.
Around 30 silicon molds have been made to reduce a time for the schedule of shipment for dolls.
Each silicon mold can copy 5 dolls, so we are accepting totally 150 dolls.

We are accepting customers who want to cancel the order and last orders for copiable dolls.
We appreciate people who loved Old 18M.

The period of order

24th March – 24th April

The schedule of shipment

2 or 3 months

-If you order pure skin pale, flash, oriental, you can get dolls in 1 or 2 months.
-It is hard to copy dark skin color of honey skin and pure skin, so they will take 2 or 3 months.


  • Thank you for another opportunity to purchase the 18M Classic sculpts. Please can you explain who is eligible to order and what the cancellation of orders refers to?

    Do you mean people who cancelled previous 18M Classic orders or do you mean that people who currently have orders placed can cancel those and use the funds to order one of the discontinued 18M sculpts instead?

    Thank you for your time.

    • There is no condition to order. Some customers who ordered old 18M type wanted to cancel their order.
      We accept orders in Producible amounts by producing lots of silicon molds for the quickest shipment.

    • If you tell us which type of head you want, then we can tell you it is Faceplate or Headcap.
      Please use Q&A borad or e-mail to ask about Detailed request.

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